our vision &
our purpose
We exist to glorify God by making followers of Christ in the love of Christ.
our pillars
Our pillars are our core convictions, giving shape and substance to everything we do in working toward the fulfillment of our purpose.
The pillars define both who we are and what we’re striving to develop in our affections for God.
The pillars define both who we are and what we’re striving to develop in our affections for God.

Proclaiming the authority of God’s Word without apology
(2 Tim 4:2)
(2 Tim 4:2)

Lifting high the name of Jesus through worship
(John 4:24)
(John 4:24)

Believing firmly in the power of prayer
(Eph 6:18)
(Eph 6:18)

Sharing the good news of Jesus with boldness
(Eph 6:19–20)
(Eph 6:19–20)
our culture

The gospel is good news about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is for both unbelievers and believers for all of life. It is the hope for our church and our community. We must point all to this good news that salvation is a free gift of God through Jesus Christ.

Our ministries are built upon, shaped by, and saturated with the faithful, expositional, and applicable proclamation of the word of God.

God has designed the church to be a community of Christ followers committed to loving and serving. We are not in this alone. Every one of us is committed to the growth of all of us. We understand the work God has given us to do and we are intentional in the pursuit of our own discipleship and the discipleship of others. We warmly welcome our church family and our friends in the community.

We are committed to taking the good news of the gospel to people locally, nationally, and internationally. We will do this through personal evangelism, local outreach, church revitalization, church planting, and missions. Our time, talent, and treasure will confirm our commitment to this.

We expect God to work in us, by His Spirit, through His Word, to make us more like His Son; and to empower us for life and ministry.
our culture

The gospel is good news about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is for both unbelievers and believers for all of life. It is the hope for our church and our community. We must point all to this good news that salvation is a free gift of God through Jesus Christ.

Our ministries are built upon, shaped by, and saturated with the faithful, expositional, and applicable proclamation of the word of God.

God has designed the church to be a community of Christ followers committed to loving and serving. We are not in this alone. Every one of us is committed to the growth of all of us. We understand the work God has given us to do and we are intentional in the pursuit of our own discipleship and the discipleship of others. We warmly welcome our church family and our friends in the community.

We are committed to taking the good news of the gospel to people locally, nationally, and internationally. We will do this through personal evangelism, local outreach, church revitalization, church planting, and missions. Our time, talent, and treasure will confirm our commitment to this.

We expect God to work in us, by His Spirit, through His Word, to make us more like His Son; and to empower us for life and ministry.
rhythms of life

Worship in Services
Our gathered worship service is the most important rhythm and is the foundation of the other rhythms. Services are the Hub to which all of the other rhythms of life connect.

Grow in Groups
Groups provide an opportunity to grow deeper in an understanding of God and His Word. They are also the place to fellowship and be a part of relating intentionally to the Paramount family.

Serve on Teams
Serving on a team is a place to obey Jesus’ call to glorify Him by using our gifts to help others know and love Him. There are many different places and ministries within Paramount to use the unique gifting of each of us.

Share Your Story
Christians are witnesses to the salvation and transformation of the gospel in our lives. We are called to testify of our faith, first in baptism, and then as we scatter and live in our sphere of influences.
service times
9:00 am: Sunday School
10:15 am: Building A Worship Center
6:00 pm: Building A Chapel
10:15 am: Building A Worship Center
6:00 pm: Building A Chapel
En Español
9:00 am: Sunday School
10:15 am: Edificio B Auditorio
10:15 am: Edificio B Auditorio
Amharic Service
(Kingdom Gospel Church)
1:30 pm: Building A Chapel
Arabic Service
(All Nations Worship Church)
3:30 pm: Building A Chapel