
paramount men
Bible Study & Accountability
Our men’s ministry offers a variety of opportunities like prayer breakfasts, retreats, Men's Steak Night, our First Monday of the Month Men’s Bible Study and weekly small groups. The goal of this ministry is to provide encouragement and accountability as men endeavor to be committed followers of Christ and godly leaders in the homes and community.
1st Monday of every month: 6:30 - 7:30PM
1st Monday of every month: 6:30 - 7:30PM

paramount women
Bible Study & Special Events
Paramount’s Women’s Ministry brings women together in a variety of ways like Bible study groups, seminars, fellowship opportunities and special events. The intent of the Women’s Ministry is to develop a deeper relationship with Christ and with one another, and to serve our church and community.
paramount marriage
Re|Engage Marriage Ministry
Designed to strengthen marriages, this ministry encourages couples to participate in our Wednesday night marriage enrichment program called ReEngage. This ministry helps couples reignite their marriage in a safe place moving toward oneness through teaching and small group interaction. ReEngage is a marriage enrichment program. In addition to ReEngage, Paramount has an annual marriage retreat.
Wednesday Nights: 6:30 - 8:30PM
Wednesday Nights: 6:30 - 8:30PM
preschool kids
Parenting is a big responsibility. We don’t want just a ministry to your child; we want a ministry with your family. We want your family to succeed. Many of our ongoing programs provide information about how you can continue your child’s learning at home. We also offer special events from time to time to help you build relationships within your family and with other families of preschoolers.
sunday school
Sundays at 9:00 am, Preschool Hall
Preschool Sunday School classes are led by trained, caring teachers and always include age-appropriate crafts, a Bible story, a snack, and plenty of opportunities for creative play.
Preschool Sunday School classes are led by trained, caring teachers and always include age-appropriate crafts, a Bible story, a snack, and plenty of opportunities for creative play.
kidsize worship (4-5 years old)
Sundays at 10:15 am, Room A210
While their parents attend our Sunday-at-10:15 worship, their 4 and 5 year-olds enjoy a worship environment designed just for them, complete with large-group music and small-group instruction that caters to their attention level and understanding.
While their parents attend our Sunday-at-10:15 worship, their 4 and 5 year-olds enjoy a worship environment designed just for them, complete with large-group music and small-group instruction that caters to their attention level and understanding.
extended teaching care
Sundays beginning at 10:15, Preschool Hall
A fun place for kids while their parents attend worship, ETC is staffed by trained volunteers who love children and love to help parents by watching their kids during the service. ETC includes interactive play, a Bible lesson, and snacks.
A fun place for kids while their parents attend worship, ETC is staffed by trained volunteers who love children and love to help parents by watching their kids during the service. ETC includes interactive play, a Bible lesson, and snacks.
preschool m&ms (music & missions)
Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8 pm, Preschool Hall
This program features age-based choirs followed by Mission Friends, where kids learn about giving, sharing and loving.
This program features age-based choirs followed by Mission Friends, where kids learn about giving, sharing and loving.
preschool kids
Parenting is a big responsibility. We don’t want just a ministry to your child; we want a ministry with your family. We want your family to succeed. Many of our ongoing programs provide information about how you can continue your child’s learning at home. We also offer special events from time to time to help you build relationships within your family and with other families of preschoolers.
sunday school
Sundays at 9:00 am, Preschool Hall
Preschool Sunday School classes are led by trained, caring teachers and always include age-appropriate crafts, a Bible story, a snack, and plenty of opportunities for creative play.
Preschool Sunday School classes are led by trained, caring teachers and always include age-appropriate crafts, a Bible story, a snack, and plenty of opportunities for creative play.
kidsize worship (4-5 years old)
Sundays at 10:15 am, Room A210
While their parents attend our Sunday-at-10:15 worship, their 4 and 5 year-olds enjoy a worship environment designed just for them, complete with large-group music and small-group instruction that caters to their attention level and understanding.
While their parents attend our Sunday-at-10:15 worship, their 4 and 5 year-olds enjoy a worship environment designed just for them, complete with large-group music and small-group instruction that caters to their attention level and understanding.
extended teaching care
Sundays beginning at 10:15, Preschool Hall
A fun place for kids while their parents attend worship, ETC is staffed by trained volunteers who love children and love to help parents by watching their kids during the service. ETC includes interactive play, a Bible lesson, and snacks.
A fun place for kids while their parents attend worship, ETC is staffed by trained volunteers who love children and love to help parents by watching their kids during the service. ETC includes interactive play, a Bible lesson, and snacks.
preschool m&ms (music & missions)
Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8 pm, Preschool Hall
This program features age-based choirs followed by Mission Friends, where kids learn about giving, sharing and loving.
This program features age-based choirs followed by Mission Friends, where kids learn about giving, sharing and loving.
elementary school kids
1st - 4th Graders
The Paramount church family is committed to equipping and supporting families. On the 4th Sunday of each month, we encourage families with children over the age of 3 to worship together.

sunday school
Sundays from 9:00 - 10:00 am

children's worship
Sundays at 10:15 am

Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 pm
At Paramount Students we're committed to providing students with something far deeper than the average student ministry experience. We are not primarily concerned with entertainment, experience, or extravagance. Instead, in our student ministry we strive to see students transformed by the power of Christ to live holy lives in a world that needs Christians to be salt and light. Our student ministry is centered around biblical preaching, an intentional community of discipleship, and a heart for seeing Amarillo reached for Jesus. If you're looking for a student ministry devoted to seeing students taken deeper into God's word and committed to God's church--Paramount Students is the place for you.
Sunday School: 9 - 10 am in A200
Student Worship Service: Wednesday 6:30 - 8 pm in C150
Sunday School: 9 - 10 am in A200
Student Worship Service: Wednesday 6:30 - 8 pm in C150

Our college and career ministry exists to make new disciples and equip college students to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. We want to see college students radically transformed by Jesus. We want College ministry to be the catalyst in which hundreds of college students hear the gospel, find community, and become developed in their faith, sharing the gospel wherever they go. Because we believe in this mission, we plan on teaching God’s word unapologetically, engaging with students intentionally, and deploying students effectively. Join us on Sunday mornings at 9 for Bible Study and Wednesday nights at 6:30 for Equip.

pbc special adults
PBC Special Adult Ministry is geared to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of those with mental and physical handicaps. PBC provides transportation to and from morning services each week for these adults who are not able to drive themselves. As God ministers to their needs they become an active part of the church body.

pbc recreation
Paramount’s Recreation Ministry includes everything from sports ministries to healthy living programs. Facilities include a gymnasium, weight/fitness room (membership fee required), Preschool Play Zone (ages 5 & under), Children’s Play Zone (ages 2-12), and the Gathering Place.
weekly activities
Walking Only (Gym):
Mon – Thurs: 8 - 10 am
Mon – Thurs: 8 - 10 am
Tue, Thurs: 10-11am, $1/class

pbc missions
It is the heart of Paramount Baptist to see the gospel of Jesus Christ shared in our city, and around the world. We take the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 very seriously. We are sending disciple-makers around the world, and supporting workers on the frontlines of global missions, through our tithes and offerings.

support groups
Paramount offers additional specific ministries for those working through grief and those who are eager to share kindness with church members who are going through difficult circumstances.

play & learn school (pals)
Play and Learn School (PALS) is a 3 day a week Preschool & Pre-K for 3 and 4-year-olds that is licensed by the state of Texas. The PALS program was developed to provide biblically based, age-appropriate education that allows children to experience God’s love and to show His love to others in a safe, caring environment. We seek to meet the needs of the whole child so that he/she may develop spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, physically, and mentally. With its caring teachers, small class ratios and “hands-on” activities including STEM classes for 4-year-olds and music classes for all children PALS is a great option for your child.

mother's day out
Mother’s Day Out (MDO) is a two-day-a-week opportunity for preschoolers (birth-5 years old) to learn about God’s love and the world He made. We offer a Bible-based curriculum with trained Christian teachers. MDO lessons are built around a Bible story and a related theme appropriate to the child’s level of understanding. Teachers use a learning center approach with individual, small- and large-group activities that allow each child to progress and enjoy success. These experiences will help young children develop spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically in a warm and loving environment.
you belong here...
Have any questions about our ministries or how you can get more involved? Don't hesitate to reach out!