Service Times: Sunday Worship, 10:15 am | Phone: (806) 355-3396

get involved

Rhythms of Life

worship in services

Our gathered worship service is the most important rhythm and is the foundation of the other rhythms. Services are the Hub to which all of the other rhythms of life connect.


En Español

9:00 am: Sunday School
10:15 am: Building A Worship Center
6:00 pm: Building A Chapel
9:00 am: Sunday School
10:15 am: Edificio B Auditorio

grow in groups

Groups provide an opportunity to grow deeper in an understanding of God and His Word. They are also the place to fellowship and be a part of relating intentionally to the Paramount family.

serve on teams

Serving on a team is a place to obey Jesus’ call to glorify Him by using our gifts to help others know and love Him. There are many different places and ministries within Paramount to use the unique gifting of each of us.

share your story

Christians are witnesses to the salvation and transformation of the gospel in our lives. We are called to testify of our faith, first in baptism, and then as we scatter and live in our sphere of influences.

you belong here...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 10:15 am.